Here you can find all information about past and future mechs in MWO.
Concept arts release dates:
What mechs will come next? Let's speculate, based on mech popularity and meta-factor. My (old) guesses for 2017/2018. - 31/oct/11: Atlas, Hunchback and Jenner.
- 23/nov/11: Dragon
- 28/dec/11: Catapult
- 25/jan/12: Centurion
- 22/feb/12: Commando
- 28/mar/12: Awesome
- 25/apr/12: Raven
- 09/may/12: Cicada
- 23/may/12: Cataphract
- 06/jun/12: Stalker
- 20/jun/12: Trebuchet
- 04/jul/12: JagerMech
- 18/jul/12: Spider
- 26/sep/12: Flea
- 17/oct/12: Highlander
- 07/nov/12: Blackjack
- 19/dec/12: Orion
- 24/may/13: Victor
- 05/jun/13: Quickdraw
- 01/aug/13: Kintaro
Special - Project Phoenix mechs:
- 25/jun/13: Locust
- 26/jun/13: Shadowhawk
- 27/jun/13: Thunderbolt
- 28/jun/13: Battlemaster
- 28/aug/13: Griffin
- 28/aug/13: Wolverine
Special - Clan mechs (13/dec/2013)
- Uller / Kit Fox
- Black Hawk/Nova
- Thor / Summoner
- Daishi / Dire Wolf
- Puma / Adder
- Ryoken / Storm Crow
- Mad Cat / Timber Wolf
- Masakari / War Hawk
- 12/feb/14: Firestarter concept art in Vlog #2.
- 03/mar/14: Banshee hero revealed.
- 13/aug/14: Vindicator
Special: Clan Wave 2. (15/sep/2014)
- Koshi / Mist Lynx
- Fenris / Ice Ferret
- Loki / Hellbringer
- Man 'o War / Gargoyle
- Vulture / Mad Dog
Special: Inner Sphere Resistance Pack. (20/oct/2014)
- Panther
- Enforcer
- Grasshopper
- Zeus
- King Crab
22/dec/2014: UrbanMech concept art revealed! (well, sort of).
19/feb/2015: Clan Wave 3 incoming!
- Arctic Cheetah
- Shadow Cat
- Ebon Jaguar
- Executioner
30/may/2015: Inner Sphere Resistance II Pack.
- Wolfhound
- Crab
- Black Knight
- Mauler.
26/jun/2015: Clan IIC Battlemechs.
- Jenner IIC
- Hunchback IIC
- Orion IIC
- Highlander IIC
10/sep/2015: Marauder revealed! (Townhall with Russ Bullock)
01/oct/2015: Warhammer standalone pack announced.
06/nov/2015: Rifleman standalone pack announced.
08/dec/2015: Archer concept art leaked.
30/jan/2016: Kodiak pack announced in Townhall. Two days later, the concept art is released.
26/feb/2016: Phoenix Hawk announced in Townhall.
01/apr/2016: Viper announced in Townhall.
19/apr/2016: Cyclops standalone pack revealed.
29/apr/2016: Night Gyr announced in Townhall.
13/jun/2016: Huntsman standalone pack revealed.
07/jul/2016: Linebacker standalone pack revealed.
05/aug/2016: Marauder IIC standalone pack revealed.
06/sep/2016: Bushwacker concept art revealed.
18/oct/2016: Supernova standalone pack revealed.
04/nov/2016: Assassin standalone pack revealed.
03/dec/2016: Roughneck (first PGI completely made-up chassis) revealed during the Mech_Con.
18/jan/2017: Javelin standalone pack revealed.
Special: Civil War mechs (14/mar/2017)
- Uziel
- Cougar
- Annihilator
- Mad Cat MKII
Special: Civil War Escalation (03/jun/2017)
- Osiris
- Arctic Wolf
- Nova Cat
- Nightstar
03/aug/2017: Thanatos standalone pack revealed.
01/sep/2017: Hellspawn standalone pack revealed.
02/oct/2017: Piranha standalone pack revealed.
01/nov/2017: Black Lanner standalone pack revealed.
09/dec/2017: Sun Spider standalone pack revealed.
05/jan/2018: Fafnir standalone pack revealed.
01/feb/2018: Blood Asp standalone pack revealed.
01/mar/2018: Flea standalone pack revealed.
04/apr/2018: Hellfire standalone pack revealed.
01/may/2018: Vulcan standalone pack revealed.
01/jun/2018: Incubus standalone pack revealed.
11/jul/2018: Champion standalone pack revealed.
01/aug/2018: Vapor Eagle standalone pack revealed.
31/aug/2018: Charger and Hatamoto Chi pack revealed.
03/nov/2018: Warhammer IIC standalone pack revealed.
01/dec/2018: Corsair standalone pack revealed.
08/jan/2019: Marauder II standalone pack revealed.
05/feb/2019: Rifleman IIC standalone pack revealed.
06/mar/2019: Dervish standalone pack revealed.
- 23/nov/11: Dragon
- 28/dec/11: Catapult
- 25/jan/12: Centurion
- 22/feb/12: Commando
- 28/mar/12: Awesome
- 25/apr/12: Raven
- 09/may/12: Cicada
- 23/may/12: Cataphract
- 06/jun/12: Stalker
- 20/jun/12: Trebuchet
- 04/jul/12: JagerMech
- 18/jul/12: Spider
- 26/sep/12: Flea
- 17/oct/12: Highlander
- 07/nov/12: Blackjack
- 19/dec/12: Orion
- 24/may/13: Victor
- 05/jun/13: Quickdraw
- 01/aug/13: Kintaro
Special - Project Phoenix mechs:
- 25/jun/13: Locust
- 26/jun/13: Shadowhawk
- 27/jun/13: Thunderbolt
- 28/jun/13: Battlemaster
- 28/aug/13: Griffin
- 28/aug/13: Wolverine
Special - Clan mechs (13/dec/2013)
- Uller / Kit Fox
- Black Hawk/Nova
- Thor / Summoner
- Daishi / Dire Wolf
- Puma / Adder
- Ryoken / Storm Crow
- Mad Cat / Timber Wolf
- Masakari / War Hawk
- 12/feb/14: Firestarter concept art in Vlog #2.
- 03/mar/14: Banshee hero revealed.
- 13/aug/14: Vindicator
Special: Clan Wave 2. (15/sep/2014)
- Koshi / Mist Lynx
- Fenris / Ice Ferret
- Loki / Hellbringer
- Man 'o War / Gargoyle
- Vulture / Mad Dog
Special: Inner Sphere Resistance Pack. (20/oct/2014)
- Panther
- Enforcer
- Grasshopper
- Zeus
- King Crab
22/dec/2014: UrbanMech concept art revealed! (well, sort of).
19/feb/2015: Clan Wave 3 incoming!
- Arctic Cheetah
- Shadow Cat
- Ebon Jaguar
- Executioner
30/may/2015: Inner Sphere Resistance II Pack.
- Wolfhound
- Crab
- Black Knight
- Mauler.
26/jun/2015: Clan IIC Battlemechs.
- Jenner IIC
- Hunchback IIC
- Orion IIC
- Highlander IIC
10/sep/2015: Marauder revealed! (Townhall with Russ Bullock)
01/oct/2015: Warhammer standalone pack announced.
06/nov/2015: Rifleman standalone pack announced.
08/dec/2015: Archer concept art leaked.
30/jan/2016: Kodiak pack announced in Townhall. Two days later, the concept art is released.
26/feb/2016: Phoenix Hawk announced in Townhall.
01/apr/2016: Viper announced in Townhall.
19/apr/2016: Cyclops standalone pack revealed.
29/apr/2016: Night Gyr announced in Townhall.
13/jun/2016: Huntsman standalone pack revealed.
07/jul/2016: Linebacker standalone pack revealed.
05/aug/2016: Marauder IIC standalone pack revealed.
06/sep/2016: Bushwacker concept art revealed.
18/oct/2016: Supernova standalone pack revealed.
04/nov/2016: Assassin standalone pack revealed.
03/dec/2016: Roughneck (first PGI completely made-up chassis) revealed during the Mech_Con.
18/jan/2017: Javelin standalone pack revealed.
Special: Civil War mechs (14/mar/2017)
- Uziel
- Cougar
- Annihilator
- Mad Cat MKII
Special: Civil War Escalation (03/jun/2017)
- Osiris
- Arctic Wolf
- Nova Cat
- Nightstar
03/aug/2017: Thanatos standalone pack revealed.
01/sep/2017: Hellspawn standalone pack revealed.
02/oct/2017: Piranha standalone pack revealed.
01/nov/2017: Black Lanner standalone pack revealed.
09/dec/2017: Sun Spider standalone pack revealed.
05/jan/2018: Fafnir standalone pack revealed.
01/feb/2018: Blood Asp standalone pack revealed.
01/mar/2018: Flea standalone pack revealed.
04/apr/2018: Hellfire standalone pack revealed.
01/may/2018: Vulcan standalone pack revealed.
01/jun/2018: Incubus standalone pack revealed.
11/jul/2018: Champion standalone pack revealed.
01/aug/2018: Vapor Eagle standalone pack revealed.
31/aug/2018: Charger and Hatamoto Chi pack revealed.
03/nov/2018: Warhammer IIC standalone pack revealed.
01/dec/2018: Corsair standalone pack revealed.
08/jan/2019: Marauder II standalone pack revealed.
05/feb/2019: Rifleman IIC standalone pack revealed.
06/mar/2019: Dervish standalone pack revealed.
Next IS mechs:
Next Clan mechs:Macross Unseen mechs! After the Marauder, Warhammer, Rifleman, Archer and Phoenix Hawk standalone packs, the other Macross Unseen mechs might be released in either standalone or standard 4-mech packs. The remaining mechs are Wasp, Stinger, Valkyrie, Crusader and Longbow. Those are still super iconic for the old Battletech players, so, even after the timeline jump, they are a possibility.
Follow up Light candidates: The light weight is still the less represented in the game and needs more mechs.
Follow up Light candidates: The light weight is still the less represented in the game and needs more mechs.
- Raptor (25 tons, omnimech) Pros: decent light omni for IS, with ES, DHS, XL Engine and a good mix of harpoints. Great cadidate for first IS omnimech. Cons: not insanely fast (118.8 km/h and 127.11 with speed tweak; didn't feature in any MW game).
- Wasp (20 tons): Pros: one of the most iconic mechs in Battletech, jumping 20 toner, dozens of diverse variants. This is a mech we need in MWO. Cons: might be put in a hold until the HG legal action is resolved.
- Chimera (40 tons) - iconic (but not very wanted) MW4 mech.
- Men Shen (55 tons, omnimech) - Raven's big brother. Possibly the best IS omnimech.
- Argus (60 tons) - iconic MW4 mech.
- Avatar (70 tons) - was in MW3 and MW4. Cons: locked XL engine.
- Crusader (65 tons) - another super iconic "Unseen" mech.
Mechs per FactionThere are 16 clan onmimechs used in the very beginning of the invasion (IS names / Clan names). Only 1 is not yet in the game.
- Fire Falcon - production year: 3052
-Coyolt - production year: 2854 (only two omni configurations, not produced since 2943, maybe extinct)
-Battle Cobra - production year: 2873 (std engine)
-Stooping Hawk - production year: 2970 (std engine)
- Pouncer - production year: 3050
- Phantom - production year: 3052 (undergunned: only 5.5 tons of weapons with armor nearly maxed)
- Mongrel (Grendel) - production year: 3053
-Lupus- production year: 2857 (super rare, surpassed by newer designs, std engine)
-Woodsman - production date: 2865 (extinct? Std engine. Inferior Timber Wolf. Only two omni configurations)
-Crossbow - production year: 2870 (very bad omni configurations, std engine)
-Kingfisher - production year: 2887 (used by CGB and CSJ in the early invasion, std engine)
-Naga - production year: 2945 (used by the Clan Wolf in the early invasion - needs Arrow IV and huge Mechlab changes)
- Turkina - production year: 3052 (slow as a Dire Wolf)
More Clan mechs (expanded with mechs from MW4/MW4:M and others):
- Hellion (30 tons) - omnimech. Great light omni (but rather unknown, and similar to the Arctic Cheetah).
- Hellhound/Conjurer (50 tons) - iconic battlemech from MW4. Will it be released as the "Wolverine IIC" (Conjurer) or as the MW4's complete redesign?
- Stone Rhino (100 tons) - battlemech. A classic.
- Bane (100 tons) - battlemech. A monster. And a good rival for the King Crab.
Remaining IIC battlemechs:
And, of course, there are the second line Clan Battlemechs, which would make (at least) one pack on their own.
- Dasher / Fire Moth (20 tons) [too fast for the game with MASC? Perfectly doable without it]
- Koshi / Mist Linx (25 tons) -> released
- Uller / Kit Fox (30 tons) -> released
- Puma / Adder (35 tons) -> released
- Dragonfly / Viper (40 tons) -> released
- Fenris / Ice Ferret (45 tons) -> released
- Black Hawk / Nova (50 tons) -> released
- Ryoken / Stormcrow (55 tons) -> released
- Vulture / Mad Dog (60 tons) -> released
- Loki / Hellbringer (65 tons) -> released
- Thor / Summoner (70 tons) -> released
- Mad Cat / Timber Wolf (75 tons) -> released
- Man o'War / Gargoyle (80 tons) -> released
- Masakari / Warhawk (85 tons) -> released
- Gladiator / Executioner (95 tons) -> released
- Daishi / Dire Wolf (100 tons) -> released
- Fire Falcon - production year: 3052
- Pouncer - production year: 3050
- Phantom - production year: 3052 (undergunned: only 5.5 tons of weapons with armor nearly maxed)
- Mongrel (Grendel) - production year: 3053
- Turkina - production year: 3052 (slow as a Dire Wolf)
More Clan mechs (expanded with mechs from MW4/MW4:M and others):
- Hellion (30 tons) - omnimech. Great light omni (but rather unknown, and similar to the Arctic Cheetah).
- Hellhound/Conjurer (50 tons) - iconic battlemech from MW4. Will it be released as the "Wolverine IIC" (Conjurer) or as the MW4's complete redesign?
- Stone Rhino (100 tons) - battlemech. A classic.
- Bane (100 tons) - battlemech. A monster. And a good rival for the King Crab.
Remaining IIC battlemechs:
- LIGHT: Commando IIC, Locust IIC, UrbanMech IIC, Wolfhound IIC.
- MEDIUM: Shadow Hawk IIC, Hellhound/Conjurer (the actual Wolverine IIC), Griffin IIC.
Thunderbolt IIC(it's from 3085). - ASSAULT: Phoenix Hawk IIC.
And, of course, there are the second line Clan Battlemechs, which would make (at least) one pack on their own.
Each faction has its preferred chassis, even if not always built in the faction's territory. This could be reflected someday in Community Warfare by the mech's price for the player, depending on his faction.
Assignment tables:
Mechs already in game: MWO IS mechs (year 3039):


And the Clans, 3050 (invading force):

Info compiled from here. (thanks to Sennin for the original link).

- The second Draconis Combine column is for Kurita A rated units (they have much more old Star League stuff).
- The Mauler in the table is the earlier Dabuku (the Mauler itself is produced only in 3048, but would quickly replace the Dabuku and become a mainstay in DCM).
- The Wolfhound variants, by 3039, are basically prototypes. The standard Wolfhound is produced in 3052.
- The Black Knight is very rare by 3039, but resumes production in 3052.

And the Clans, 3050 (invading force):

Info compiled from here. (thanks to Sennin for the original link).
Light weight, IS:
- 20 tons: Locust (including hero variant, the Pirate's Bane)
- 20 tons: Flea (including hero variant, the Romeo 5000)
- 25 tons: Commando (including hero variant, the Death's Knell)
- 30 tons: Spider (including hero variant, the Anansi)
- 30 tons: UrbanMech (including hero variant, K9 and Street Cleaner)
- 30 tons: Javelin (including hero variant, Hi There!)
- 30 tons: Osiris (including hero variant: Sekhmet)
- 35 tons: Raven (including hero variant, Huginn)
- 35 tons: Jenner (including hero variant, the Oxyde)
- 35 tons: Firestarter (including hero variant, Ember and Firestorm)
- 35 tons: Panther (including hero variant, Katana Kat)
- 35 tons: Wolfhound (including hero variant, Grinner)
Light weight, Clans:
- 20 tons: Piranha (including hero variant, Cipher)
- 25 tons: Mist Lynx (including hero variant, Ebon Dragoon)
- 30 tons: Arctic Cheetah (including hero variant, Shard)
- 30 tons: Kit Fox (including hero variant, Purifier)
- 30 tons: Incubus (including hero variant, Sabre)
- 35 tons: Adder (including hero variant, Cinder)
- 35 tons: Jenner IIC (including hero variant, Fury)
- 35 tons: Cougar (including hero variant, Blood Adder)
Medium weight, IS:
- 40 tons: Cicada (including hero variant, The X-5)
- 40 tons: Assassin (including hero variant: DarkDeath
- 40 tons: Vulcan (including hero variant: Bloodlust)
- 45 tons: Blackjack (including hero variant, Arrow)
- 45 tons: Phoenix Hawk (including hero variants, Roc and Kuroi Kiri)
- 45 tons: Vindicator (including hero variant, St. Ives' Blue)
- 45 tons: Hellspawn (including hero variant, Paralyzer)
- 50 tons: Centurion (including hero variant, Yen-Lo-Wang)
- 50 tons: Hunchback (including hero variant, Grid Iron)
- 50 tons: Trebuchet (including hero variant, Loup de Guerre)
- 50 tons: Enforcer (including hero variant, Ghillie)
- 50 tons: Crab (including hero variant, Florentine)
- 50 tons: Uziel (including hero variant, Belial)
- 55 tons: Kintaro (including hero variant, Golden Boy)
- 55 tons: Shadow Hawk (including hero variant, Grey Death)
- 55 tons: Griffin (including hero variant, Sparky and Ares)
- 55 tons: Wolverine (including hero variant, Quarantine)
- 55 tons: Bushwacker (including hero variant High Roller)
Medium weight, Clans:
- 40 tons: Viper (including hero variant, Medusa)
- 40 tons: Arctic Wolf (including hero variant Blood Kit)
- 45 tons: Ice Ferret (including hero variant, Rainbow Crow)
- 45 tons: Shadow Cat (including hero variant, Mishipeshu)
- 50 tons: Nova (including hero variant, Breaker)
- 50 tons: Hunstman (including hero variant, Pakhet)
- 50 tons: Hunchback IIC (including hero variant, Deathwish)
- 55 tons: Stormcrow (including hero variant, Lacerator)
- 55 tons: Black Lanner (including hero variant, Bellonarius)
- 55 tons: Vapor Eagle (including hero variant, Rival)
Heavy weight, IS:
- 60 tons: Rifleman (including hero variant, Legend Killer and Dao Breaker)
- 60 tons: Dragon (including 2 hero variants, Flame and Fang)
- 60 tons: Quickdraw (including hero variant, IV-Four)
- 60 tons: Champion (including hero variant Invictus)
- 65 tons: Catapult (including hero variants Jester and Butterbee)
- 65 tons: JagerMech (including hero variant Firebrand)
- 65 tons: Thunderbolt (including hero variant, Top Dog)
- 65 tons: Roughneck (including hero variants, Reaver and Powerhouse)
- 70 tons: Archer (including hero variant, Tempest)
- 70 tons: Cataphract (including hero variant, Ilya Muromets)
- 70 tons: Grasshopper (including hero variant, Mjölnir)
- 70 tons: Warhammer (including hero variant, Black Widow)
- 75 tons: Orion (including hero variant, Protector)
- 75 tons: Black Knight (including hero variant, Partisan)
- 75 tons: Marauder (including hero variant, Bounty Hunter)
- 75 tons: Thanatos (including hero variant Hangover)
Heavy weight, Clans:
- 60 tons: Mad Dog (including hero variant, Bandit and Revenant)
- 60 tons: Hellfire (including hero variant, Void)
- 65 tons: Hellbringer (including hero variant, Virago)
- 65 tons: Ebon Jaguar (including hero variant, Esprit de Corps)
- 65 tons: Linebacker (including hero variant, Redline)
- 70 tons: Summoner (including hero variant, Pride)
- 70 tons: Nova Cat (including hero variant Cobra Cat)
- 70 tons: Sun Spider including hero variants Manul and Vanguard)
- 75 tons: Timber Wolf (including hero variant, Warrant)
- 75 tons: Night Gyr (including hero variant, Jade Kite)
- 75 tons: Orion IIC (including hero variant, Sköll)
Assault weight, IS:
- 80 tons: Awesome (including hero variant, Pretty Baby)
- 80 tons: Victor (including hero variant Dragon Slayer)
- 80 tons: Zeus (including hero variant, Skokomish)
- 80 tons: Charger (including hero variant, Number Seven)
- 80 tons: Hatamoto-Chi (including hero variant, Shugo)
- 85 tons: Stalker (including hero variant Misery)
- 85 tons: Battlemaster (including hero variant Hellslinger)
- 90 tons: Highlander (including hero variant Heavy Metal)
- 90 tons: Mauler (including hero variant, Knockout)
- 95 tons: Banshee (including hero variant La Malinche and Siren)
- 95 tons: Nightstar (including hero variant Wolf Phoenix)
- 100 tons: Atlas (including hero variant Boar's Head and Kraken)
- 100 tons: King Crab (including hero variant, Kaiju)
- 100 tons: Annihilator (including hero variant, Mean Baby)
- 100 tons: Fafnir (including hero variant, Kaiju)
Assault weight, Clans:
- 80 tons: Gargoyle (including hero variant, Kin Wolf)
- 80 tons: Warhammer IIC (including hero variant, Maul and Bludgeon)
- 85 tons: Warhawk (including hero variant, Nanuq)
- 85 tons: Marauder IIC (including hero variant, Scorch)
- 90 tons: Blood Asp (including hero variant, Rancor)
- 90 tons: Highlander IIC (including hero variant, Keeper)
- 90 tons: Supernova (including hero variant Boiler)
- 90 tons: Mad Cat MKII (including hero variant Deathstrike)
- 95 tons: Executioner (including hero variant, Cherbi)
- 100 tons: Dire Wolf (including hero variant, Ultra Violet)
- 100 tons: Kodiak (including hero variant, Spirit Bear)
Light weight, IS:
- 20 tons: Locust (including hero variant, the Pirate's Bane)
- 20 tons: Flea (including hero variant, the Romeo 5000)
- 25 tons: Commando (including hero variant, the Death's Knell)
- 30 tons: Spider (including hero variant, the Anansi)
- 30 tons: UrbanMech (including hero variant, K9 and Street Cleaner)
- 30 tons: Javelin (including hero variant, Hi There!)
- 30 tons: Osiris (including hero variant: Sekhmet)
- 35 tons: Raven (including hero variant, Huginn)
- 35 tons: Jenner (including hero variant, the Oxyde)
- 35 tons: Firestarter (including hero variant, Ember and Firestorm)
- 35 tons: Panther (including hero variant, Katana Kat)
- 35 tons: Wolfhound (including hero variant, Grinner)
Light weight, Clans:
- 20 tons: Piranha (including hero variant, Cipher)
- 25 tons: Mist Lynx (including hero variant, Ebon Dragoon)
- 30 tons: Arctic Cheetah (including hero variant, Shard)
- 30 tons: Kit Fox (including hero variant, Purifier)
- 30 tons: Incubus (including hero variant, Sabre)
- 35 tons: Adder (including hero variant, Cinder)
- 35 tons: Jenner IIC (including hero variant, Fury)
- 35 tons: Cougar (including hero variant, Blood Adder)
Medium weight, IS:
- 40 tons: Cicada (including hero variant, The X-5)
- 40 tons: Assassin (including hero variant: DarkDeath
- 40 tons: Vulcan (including hero variant: Bloodlust)
- 45 tons: Blackjack (including hero variant, Arrow)
- 45 tons: Phoenix Hawk (including hero variants, Roc and Kuroi Kiri)
- 45 tons: Vindicator (including hero variant, St. Ives' Blue)
- 45 tons: Hellspawn (including hero variant, Paralyzer)
- 50 tons: Centurion (including hero variant, Yen-Lo-Wang)
- 50 tons: Hunchback (including hero variant, Grid Iron)
- 50 tons: Trebuchet (including hero variant, Loup de Guerre)
- 50 tons: Enforcer (including hero variant, Ghillie)
- 50 tons: Crab (including hero variant, Florentine)
- 50 tons: Uziel (including hero variant, Belial)
- 55 tons: Kintaro (including hero variant, Golden Boy)
- 55 tons: Shadow Hawk (including hero variant, Grey Death)
- 55 tons: Griffin (including hero variant, Sparky and Ares)
- 55 tons: Wolverine (including hero variant, Quarantine)
- 55 tons: Bushwacker (including hero variant High Roller)
Medium weight, Clans:
- 40 tons: Viper (including hero variant, Medusa)
- 40 tons: Arctic Wolf (including hero variant Blood Kit)
- 45 tons: Ice Ferret (including hero variant, Rainbow Crow)
- 45 tons: Shadow Cat (including hero variant, Mishipeshu)
- 50 tons: Nova (including hero variant, Breaker)
- 50 tons: Hunstman (including hero variant, Pakhet)
- 50 tons: Hunchback IIC (including hero variant, Deathwish)
- 55 tons: Stormcrow (including hero variant, Lacerator)
- 55 tons: Black Lanner (including hero variant, Bellonarius)
- 55 tons: Vapor Eagle (including hero variant, Rival)
Heavy weight, IS:
- 60 tons: Rifleman (including hero variant, Legend Killer and Dao Breaker)
- 60 tons: Dragon (including 2 hero variants, Flame and Fang)
- 60 tons: Quickdraw (including hero variant, IV-Four)
- 60 tons: Champion (including hero variant Invictus)
- 65 tons: Catapult (including hero variants Jester and Butterbee)
- 65 tons: JagerMech (including hero variant Firebrand)
- 65 tons: Thunderbolt (including hero variant, Top Dog)
- 65 tons: Roughneck (including hero variants, Reaver and Powerhouse)
- 70 tons: Archer (including hero variant, Tempest)
- 70 tons: Cataphract (including hero variant, Ilya Muromets)
- 70 tons: Grasshopper (including hero variant, Mjölnir)
- 70 tons: Warhammer (including hero variant, Black Widow)
- 75 tons: Orion (including hero variant, Protector)
- 75 tons: Black Knight (including hero variant, Partisan)
- 75 tons: Marauder (including hero variant, Bounty Hunter)
- 75 tons: Thanatos (including hero variant Hangover)
Heavy weight, Clans:
- 60 tons: Mad Dog (including hero variant, Bandit and Revenant)
- 60 tons: Hellfire (including hero variant, Void)
- 65 tons: Hellbringer (including hero variant, Virago)
- 65 tons: Ebon Jaguar (including hero variant, Esprit de Corps)
- 65 tons: Linebacker (including hero variant, Redline)
- 70 tons: Summoner (including hero variant, Pride)
- 70 tons: Nova Cat (including hero variant Cobra Cat)
- 70 tons: Sun Spider including hero variants Manul and Vanguard)
- 75 tons: Timber Wolf (including hero variant, Warrant)
- 75 tons: Night Gyr (including hero variant, Jade Kite)
- 75 tons: Orion IIC (including hero variant, Sköll)
Assault weight, IS:
- 80 tons: Awesome (including hero variant, Pretty Baby)
- 80 tons: Victor (including hero variant Dragon Slayer)
- 80 tons: Zeus (including hero variant, Skokomish)
- 80 tons: Charger (including hero variant, Number Seven)
- 80 tons: Hatamoto-Chi (including hero variant, Shugo)
- 85 tons: Stalker (including hero variant Misery)
- 85 tons: Battlemaster (including hero variant Hellslinger)
- 90 tons: Highlander (including hero variant Heavy Metal)
- 90 tons: Mauler (including hero variant, Knockout)
- 95 tons: Banshee (including hero variant La Malinche and Siren)
- 95 tons: Nightstar (including hero variant Wolf Phoenix)
- 100 tons: Atlas (including hero variant Boar's Head and Kraken)
- 100 tons: King Crab (including hero variant, Kaiju)
- 100 tons: Annihilator (including hero variant, Mean Baby)
- 100 tons: Fafnir (including hero variant, Kaiju)
Assault weight, Clans:
- 80 tons: Gargoyle (including hero variant, Kin Wolf)
- 80 tons: Warhammer IIC (including hero variant, Maul and Bludgeon)
- 85 tons: Warhawk (including hero variant, Nanuq)
- 85 tons: Marauder IIC (including hero variant, Scorch)
- 90 tons: Blood Asp (including hero variant, Rancor)
- 90 tons: Highlander IIC (including hero variant, Keeper)
- 90 tons: Supernova (including hero variant Boiler)
- 90 tons: Mad Cat MKII (including hero variant Deathstrike)
- 95 tons: Executioner (including hero variant, Cherbi)
- 100 tons: Dire Wolf (including hero variant, Ultra Violet)
- 100 tons: Kodiak (including hero variant, Spirit Bear)
Soon in the game:
- Corsair: pre-order delivered in 19th March, 2019.
- Marauder II: pre-order delivered in 28th February, 2019.
- Rifleman IIC: pre-order delivered in 31st May, 2019.
- Dervish: pre-order delivered in 18th June, 2019.
- Most complete online source of Battletech information: Sarna.
- Canonical variant list with year of availability in Master Unit List.
- Complete MWO mechs stats and mechlab: Smurfy's.
- Skill Tree Planner. [NEW!]
- Suggestions for more hero mechs here.
- Personal list of "essential" mechs - most with great chance of making into the game in the next 2 years.
- Missing variants list here (including new tech). [NEW!]
- Charts by Ovion (with all mechs and variants, classified by weight, class, etc,). [NEW!]
Edited by Odanan, 07 March 2019 - 06:38 PM.